Error 5xx , Internal Work Culture Error

Aman Sharma
3 min readJan 30, 2022

TL DR; Toxic Companies should be banned.

Year 2020–2021 can’t be just called years of COVID, but if seen through corporate point of view, it will be known as years of massive resignation(Some of my colleagues also call it Great Resignation period.)

But why we are seeing so many resignation, even when newspaper headlines read as crores of people, around 20–30 million below age 29 are unemployed, so what is that which is driving(kick as I would like to call) people to think beyond COVID and declining job market and apply for jobs and get new jobs?

I saw a joke, “If you throw a stone in air in Bengaluru, it will hit a person who will mostly have 5 offers in hand”. Funny as it looks, it raises serious question as where are the companies going wrong even after sending cool sipper as a new year gift?

Being a product of Great Resignation period(though not typical Bengaluru guy) , I would break it down just for the sake of simplicity?

  1. No work life balance(You are at home right?, definitely you can attend a zoom call at 4 A.M. in the morning, you should really try waking up early, its very good for health)
  2. 200 Projects at once( You are working on “1 project” only? Sharma ji ka beta is already managing 200 projects in ITUS team)
  3. Stupid Bonds(Ah you called it slavery, we call it a bond so that you don't find it easy to spread your wings and also its will keep you in touch with the history of your country i.e. slavery)
  4. Stretched Work hours( Its all in your mind, if you want you can just sleep for 4 hours per day and be happy like Dora the explorer)
Pic Credit:- Random Guy on LinkedIn using Pushpa’s template

These are just few of the issues that people have faced while working in their current organization. These can be called as few of the atrocities(pardon for using such strong word) that companies have put on their people and hence the mass resignation. Though I’m completely aware of the fact that people leave for good money as well, but somehow one of these will definitely be present in the reasons.

Though we cannot change it at once, but you should be very thoughtful and clear on why you should choose that company because that company will define your mental peace, your persona, your behavior with others for the time you are associated with it. So, choose wisely!

Parting words for the companies which are more toxic than the ex who cheated on you and then blamed you that you were not enough lovable.

See ya in my next post, I hope you liked reading it as much as I did writing it. :)

